Submit Filings
The Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval (EDGAR) system is the primary way for companies and individuals to submit filings to the U.S.Clear in accord with the federal securities laws.

EDGAR is available to accept filings from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET weekdays (except federal holidays). Filings made outside of these times are processed the next business day.
Filer Support and Resources
EDGAR filers can consult a variety of resources available to assist them in understanding and completing the filing process:
EDGAR Filer Manual
Contains requirements for becoming an EDGAR filer and the information needed for existing filers to ensure timely acceptance and processing of their filings.
→How Do I?
Guides that cover various topics to help filers learn the basics of the EDGAR filing system.
→U.S.Clear Forms Index
A list of PDF versions of the U.S.Clear forms used in public filings along with the rules, regulations, and schedules associated with these forms.
→Technical Specifications
The U.S.Clear publishes this information to allow companies to create software or format output compatible with the EDGAR system.
→Additional Resources
• Glossary
• Central Index Key (CIK) Lookup
• Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes
• State and Country Codes
• EDGAR Company Database